Post Concussion Syndrome – How Osteopathy Can Help

A concussion can occur from any impact or motion that causes the brain to move rapidly inside the skull. Mild, moderate, or severe concussion can result in changes to normal brain functioning and cause symptoms such as: nausea Issues with thinking and remembering...

Foam Rolling With Phoebe

I’m here to answer your questions about foam rolling: its benefits, how to use it, and when to use it! Benefits: Foam rolling can be a great tool to relieve tension and tightness in muscles and fascia. Applying pressure to certain tension points can break up adhesions...

Meet the Thorax with Carolyn, Manual Osteopath

Breathing Sit still, take a deep breath and fill your rib cage. Now do it again and begin to notice where your air is moving. Is your rib cage expanding in the front and sides? What about the back? Are the sides equal? If expanding your rib cage is hard for you or you...

Keep on Cycling with Jason, RMT

Summer is on full blast and I hope everyone is having a great time outside! Just a friendly reminder to all who enjoy exercise via cycle power: keep your muscles loose and limber using any of these stretches and look forward to a healthy, adventure-filled summer!...

Slide Cupping with Dr. Sarah ND

Naturopathic doctors are a pretty eclectic bunch – so much so that even our patients don’t always know everything we have to offer! This month, I wanted to share some information about one of my favourite hands-on treatments for muscle and joint concerns. Cupping is...

What does self-care look like for you? With Teresa RMT

Something we all strive to find in life is balance - or so we say, but what does that even mean in today's busy world? Seems like every time I pay attention there are newer, better ideas of things I need to be doing to help me better my life, and better myself. We...

Introducing Muscle Energy with Phoebe our resident Athletic Therapist

Hey Everybody! A couple weeks ago, I took a course on muscle energy of the pelvis and lumbar spine. Throughout my athletic therapy career the most common injury I've come across are low back injuries. In my experience, hip alignment has a huge impact on the occurrence...

The Power of the Inner Core by Phoebe Mathews, Athletic Therapist

The Power of the Inner Core Back, hip, and knee pain are so common in this day and age because many of us have major weakness in our inner core muscles. We spend so much of our time sitting that many of us have lost the ability to properly stabilize our spine and...

Visceral Manipulation – What you need to know with Carolyn Smith

Visceral Manipulation: What you need to know Visceral Manipulation (VM) is a manual therapy with the specific goal of encouraging normal tone and movements both within and between the internal organs, their connective tissue, and other structures of the body where...

The Five Elements Theory, Where Fall means Metal – Renee Osborne R.TCMP, R. Ac

  As we find ourselves in the midst of this slow to arrive Autumn – I’d like to share some ancient insights about this season, and how it relates to our lives, health, emotions and nutrition. In 5 element theory – there are seasons, organ systems, emotions,...

The Multiple Benefits Of Massage Therapy…

Came across this great article in Women's Health recently, that's certainly worth a read. The piece surveyed a group of registered massage therapists on how to get the most of a session with an RMT and elaborates with some tips on getting your money's worth and...

Race Weekend Tips From Dr. Chad!

Race Weekend Tips From Dr. Chad!

Ottawa Race Weekend is coming up soon, and avid recreational runner Dr. Chad  has learned many lessons through running. His personal experience, combined with his education as a Chiropracter and Massage Therapist make him a great resource. As such, he's put together...

A Referral Is Our Greatest Compliment!

A Referral Is Our Greatest Compliment!

=Name Dropping; It Can Be A Good Thing When you send someone our way, make sure they let us know it was YOU who sent them! We will send you a Thank You e-mail and your name will go on our list, where you can redeem your complimentary infrared sauna at your leisure....

Massage When Pregnant Is The Best Idea In The World

Massage When Pregnant Is The Best Idea In The World

It sounds like a bit of a given that if you're pregnant, getting a massage is a good idea. You're generally not in your most comfortable state of being as you grow another human being, but receiving massage prior to having a child has proven benefits that are...

The Definitive Guide To Acupuncture and Its Benefits

The Definitive Guide To Acupuncture and Its Benefits

Acupuncture has been around for nearly 2500 years, but has only really gained ground in North America since the 1970's. It's an interesting story how that happened. In 1972, President Richard Nixon visited China diplomatically. He was travelling with New York Times...

How Stress Affects You and Your Unborn Baby

How Stress Affects You and Your Unborn Baby

The following is an article that was written by Sage founder Teresa McLean for Ottawa Woman.  We hear the word stress all of the time, but seldom do we stop to think how it really affects us. Stress is often the root of illness, because when our body is in a...